Mithat Coruh Quality Management Center - Contact form details

Adress :
Mithat Coruh Quality Management Center
Baskent University Baglica kampusu
Eskisehir yolu 06530 Etimesgut, Ankara, Turkey

Phone : +90 312 246 6736 and 6737
Fax : +90 312 246 6738


To contact us via email please fill this form completely.
Your Name :
E-Mail :
A Phone Number to contact you if needed :

Please enter your message details below.




Quality management

Up to date Info. from MÇKYM

If you have any questions about our site or would like to contact us please use our contact form.

Thru our 100% transparency principal we are sharing all our forms and materials digitally on the web both in English and Turkish
You may find our forms necessary for your homeworks at our Turkish version on the education link following your course name on the left column.
Our Quality Goals

1. Continous self development and helping others to achieve the same.

2. Quality conscious thinking and high productivity, throughout the organization.

3. Improvement of communication, collabration and teamwork within departments.

4. Gaining solution oriented thinking, instead of problem producing attributes.

5. Improvement on creativeness.

6. Increasing motivation of employees.

7. Creating the possiblity and background, for implementation of ideas and vision.